Dr. Sherry Mee Bell
Dr. Crisp collaborates with Dr. Sherry Mee Bell, Licensed Psychologist, to provide educational assessments of all ages in the greater Knoxville, TN area.
Dr. Sherry Mee Bell is a practicing psychologist in Knoxville, Tennessee, licensed by the Tennessee Health Related Boards, a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (National Association of School Psychologists), and former university professor and K-12 elementary and special education teacher. Her assessment expertise includes literacy assessment, learning disabilities including dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, giftedness and twice-exceptionality, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, school readiness, and school-related anxiety, and related disorders.
Dr. Bell is co-author of several reading-related books and assessments, most notably the Tests of Dyslexia (Mather, McCallum, Bell & Wendling, 2024), available from Western Psychological Services (https://www.wpspublish.com/) as well as The Handbook of Reading Assessment (Bell & McCallum, 2008; 2016) and Assessment of Reading Instructional Knowledge-Adults (McCallum, Bell, & Ziegler, 2012).
Dr. Bell is Professor Emerita at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, having served as faculty for over 20 years in various roles including Professor, Department Head, Acting Dean, and Director of Literacy Initiatives. Dr. Bell has authored over 70 scholarly articles in such journals as Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Reading Psychology, Annals of Dyslexia, Journal of Learning Disabilities, and Gifted Child Quarterly, and has made over 200 international/national scholarly presentations). Dr. Bell routinely presents at annual conferences of such professional associations as International Dyslexia Association, National Association of School Psychologists, and American Psychological Association. Dr. Bell has served as principal investigator, co-principal investigator and consultant on numerous state and nationally funded projects (e.g., Tennessee Department of Education, National Institute for Literacy). Most recently, she served as co-principal investigator of the Tennessee Reading Research Center at the University of Tennessee (https://trrc.utk.edu/).